Cafe Introduction
Coffee has long been more than just a drink; it has the power to bring people together, make connections, and create a sense of community. If you’re here, you’re a part of the Bloom family. Let’s flourish together!
Bloom Cafe is a family owned boutique coffee shop located in North Garland. Serving coffee from Oak Cliff Roasters, desserts & pastries from local bakeries, and in-house made toasts and sandwiches.
Coffee has long been more than just a drink; it has the power to bring people together, make connections, and create a sense of community. If you’re here, you’re a part of the Bloom family. Let’s flourish together!
Bloom hosts many events and pops up for holidays year round such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Ramadan, Christmas, & so much more! The space is also available for rent for special occasions such as birthdays, bridal & baby showers, and graduation parties.
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